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Violet Hues A Stunning New Look for our Esports Community

Violet Hues A Stunning New Look for our Esports Community

Introducing Violet Hues: A Stunning New Look for Our Esports Community

Esports has been gaining popularity over the past few years, with millions of people tuning in to watch their favorite professional players compete in games like League of Legends, Overwatch, and Fortnite. With this rise in popularity comes an increase in the number of esports communities and organizations, each looking to stand out and make their mark in the industry. That's where Violet Hues comes in - a new, stunning look for our own esports community.

What is Violet Hues?

Violet Hues is a new visual identity for our esports community. It's a color scheme and design system that will be used across all our communication channels, from our website and social media to our events and merchandise. Violet was chosen as the primary color because it represents creativity, innovation, and ambition - all qualities that are essential to success in esports.

Why Do We Need a New Look?

Esports is a fast-paced industry that's constantly evolving. To keep up with the competition, we need to make sure that our community stays current, exciting, and relevant. A strong visual identity can help us achieve that. A consistent look and feel across all our channels and touchpoints will help us create a stronger brand and attract more fans and sponsors.

What Are the Key Elements of Violet Hues?

There are four key elements to our new look:

Colors: As mentioned, violet is our primary color. We'll also be using shades of gray as accents.

Typography: We're using a clean, modern sans-serif font for our headlines and a simple, legible serif font for our body copy.

Icons: We've created a set of custom icons that we'll be using across our website and social media. These icons represent different aspects of our community, such as our tournaments, our teams, and our sponsors.

Photography: We're using a mix of action shots and behind-the-scenes photos to help give our community a more human touch.

What Impact Will Violet Hues Have on Our Community?

We believe that Violet Hues will have a number of positive impacts on our community:

Increased Recognition: A consistent visual identity will help us stand out from the competition and make us more recognizable to both fans and sponsors.

Improved Perception: By presenting ourselves in a more professional and cohesive way, we can improve the way people perceive our community and the esports industry as a whole.

Increased Engagement: By creating a more visually engaging experience for our fans, we can increase their engagement and loyalty, which could lead to more support and better overall performance from our teams.

Improved Sponsorship Opportunities: By presenting ourselves as a unified and professional brand, we can increase our appeal to potential sponsors, which could lead to increased funding and support for our community as a whole.


Violet Hues is more than just a new visual identity for our esports community. It's a statement - a statement of our commitment to excellence, our dedication to our fans, and our passion for esports. We believe that this new look will help us achieve our goals and take our community to the next level. We're excited to share it with everyone and see the impact it will have on our community. Let's go!


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